pink color clothes

 Any color used in clothes can transform a person. Some people say that one of them is used only by women and that this is a favorite color of a Barbie doll. Pink is tenderness, inspiration and love. Nowadays men also wear this color but most people associate it with young women.

Pink color clothes: main features

This color is associated with kindness and lightness it brings to the appearance. But the surplus of pink makes a person look like a doll and causes disaffection. Different soft shades can make you stylish image more courageous and attract people. Anyway, you can be sure that in pink clothes you will be in the focus of attention.

There’s a variety of shades of pink.

pink color clothes

– The softest is light-pink, almost cream. It’s the most gentle of all and it’s used in summer dresses and office blouses and in informal looks. It can be combined with white, grey, silver metallic and other light shades.

clothes with a metallic effect

Crimson color looks cold but it’s very appetizing, suitable nearly for everyone. It is associated with summer berries and can be used in everyday clothes as well as in evening outfits. For example, this gorgeous velvet dress by Valentino.

pink color clothes

Bright-pink should be used carefully, the surplus of it can cause irritation. But one piece of clothes will highlight the beauty and brightness of the girl.

pink color clothes

pink color clothes

– On the other hand, pale pink can replace white color and highlights the natural beauty. Dusty pink color clothes can be matched by other light tones and beige and blue accessories.

pink color clothes

A pink A-line dresses with small polka dots suits young girls. Dresses with big ones are suitable for older women.

pink polka dots

Pink color combination clothes

What colors match with pink clothes?

Brown color will be a good match, this will create an official look and balance the brightness of pink.

pink color clothes

–  Green may seem strange but it highlights the delicacy and lightness of the outfit.

pink color clothes

pink color clothes

–  Blue can add some softness as well as pink and girl, combining these two colors, will look cute.

pink color clothes

–  Beige is universal, you can use this combination in any circumstances.

–  Red is close to pink. This combination can look brave, even a little bold. But modern fashion designers use this combination more and more often.

pink color clothes

 – White and black are a universal companions which perfectly make friends with any color. This will definitely be a winning combination.

pink color clothes

Grey neutralizes the boldness of pink, makes an outfit calmer. Such an ensemble is considered very stylish.

pink color clothes

Now you know what color goes well with pink.

Finally, we’ll give you some more advice.

–  Light shades suit blondes more and brunettes highlight their individuality with bright pink color in stock of clothes.

pink color clothes

–  Aged women are advised not to wear bright-pink not to look like a doll.

– Pink clothes are usually used with minimal décor, without ruffles or laces.

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