
What question excites you when you wake up in the morning next to the beloved man? “How do I look?” Of course, only in Hollywood films, the actress slowly opens her eyes, sweetly stretches and hugs the guy. And in real life, a woman quietly gets out from under the blanket so as not to wake her macho, and rushing headlong into the bathroom, look at her own reflection: what does she look like? She does not want to scare the man tousled and fresh look. He told her the best compliments last night!

How to look great when you wake up

In addition, you have so little time to put yourself in order before work!

How to look pretty when you wake up without makeup? This question excites many women.

How to look fresh in the morning and without swelling: 6 obligatory evening procedures

– Cleanse your face of makeup at night, even if you are very tired! Give your skin an opportunity to breathe and recover. Wash off all the decorative cosmetics, including the remains of powder.

How to wake up beautiful
– Take care of the skin around the eyes from the evening. The simplest and most effective means is to apply the oil of peach bones under the eyes and on the place where the crow’s feet are formed. The product will have time to soak well overnight, wrinkles around the eyes of the statute are almost imperceptible.
– Wash off the remnants of funds, foam and varnish of your hair. If you want a large hairstyle, collect the hair in a light knot on the vertex, fastened with a soft rubber band. But if such a structure prevents you from sleeping, then you should not do this. Disheveled hair also does not have a good effect on their appearance in the morning. Throw a light braid, you can not fix it from below. It is noticed that on silk pillowcases hair is confused less.
– After you have washed your hair in the evening, dry your hair well. Go to bed with dry, not wet hair, so that the hairdo does not disappoint you and your beloved man in the morning. Although the guys argue that a easy mess (emphasis on the word “easy”) on the head of a beloved girl looks quite attractive.

How to Look Beautiful in the Morning
– The last meal (and drink!) Should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, and preferably 3. Then the excess liquid will have time to stand out from the body naturally, rather than fill the bags under the eyes. Do not eat too salty foods in the evening.
– Ventilate the room. In a cool room with clean air, the body rests faster and better.

How to wake up beautiful? How and when should you better go to bed?

– Even if you are very fond of sleeping on your stomach, try to take the habit of “dousing” on your back in the morning, so as not to look “wrinkled”. Red creases on your face may not have time to smooth out before going out.
– Before going to bed, do not sit long at the computer or in front of the TV, otherwise you will not be able to wake up early, your eyes will be red, swollen and tired for the morning. And you will not have time to put yourself in order. Little tricks about how to wake up early are opened by authoritative author of the site.

 how to wake up beautiful
– Do not use high pillows. Otherwise, instead of waking up cheerful, you will feel only a headache. Blood supply of the brain cells will be disturbed, the neck will be terribly ill.
– Night sleep should last about 8 hours. Short sleeping-time will adversely affect both appearance and well-being. But sleeping too much is not recommended, because instead of feeling the morning’s burst of energy, you can get a backlash from the body.
– Make the go-sleeping procedure pleasant. Put on a beautiful underwear and put a clean bed. Positive emotions are very important for both psychological and physical health!
– Go to bed early. Best of all, the body rests until midnight. Doctors say that one hour of sleep to twelve is equivalent to two hours of rest after midnight.

Do you know 8 women’s features that act on men like a magnet?

How to look fresh in the morning

And yet, did not it happen in the morning to wake up with a fresh air? Consequences of the party “in person”? Then rather carry out emergency procedures to return to the ideal appearance!

– Put on the eyelids tea bags, from which you have just brewed a hot drink. Bags under the eyes will decrease. The circles of raw potatoes will help to remove puffiness from the eyelids.

Put on the eyelids tea bags
– Wipe your face with ice cubes, prepared in advance. How to do it right, read in our publication. And it’s even better to make such an ice shower for the night.
– Do exercises, dance to energetic music, put a drop of your favorite perfume. All the necessary processes of the body are activated!
– And even if your beloved man caught you unaware, woke up before you, until you have “brought beauty” – be calm and confident. Even if a nice neighbor has come to see you (for sugar or tea), do not panic! Just smile – and you’ll be a hundred times more attractive than a dull beauty with perfect make-up! The most important tips on how to please people, read in our latest publication.

 how to wake up beautiful

And the main advice: a woman is beautiful when she is happy and loved! This is a secret that outweigh all of the above how to look great in the morning. 

Read about 10 daily habits of women that repel men.

Now you know how to wake up beautiful in the morning. Love yourself, do not overdo it! Rejoice in life, do not succumb to apathy, do not deny yourself little pleasures that cheer up!

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