weight loss drinks

Everyone now is aware is to avoid soda drinks is the progressive way to lose fat and most significantly belly fat. However, we should not forget not only ditching sodas will help us to achieve our goal of losing weight. We should know the best drinks for losing weight. You will find various drinks on the internet that will be mentioned as best drinks to lose belly fat but here in this article we have mentioned not only mentioned the best drinks however doctors approved drinks also.

Drinks For Losing Weight


The most important beverage in a human’s life. We are well aware of its significance. In losing weight, it plays a vital role, researchers have found that your resting calorie burn can increase by 30% only just drinking water. As it helps different organs to do their work and this leads to fat burn.

weight loss water

Lemon Water

It hasn’t been proven yet that it helps in losing weight but it is a very healthy drink and it increases the metabolism rate which is highly affected by the loss of belly fat. The drinking of lemon water also has other benefits other than weight loss. The most essential benefit is it increases your immunity and helps you to fight certain risks of cancer due to its Vitamin C surplus.

drinks to weight loss

Green Tea. Why is drinking green tea good for weight loss?

Does green tea make you lose weight?

Green tea has been proven that it is the best drink to lose weight. You might know about green tea. It is the best drink that helps the digestive system clean and looks beautiful in the morning. To lose your belly fat through green tea efficiently. There is also a certain time and way when you have to consume this drink.

Learn 9 biggest weight-loss mistakes in our site.

How to consume Green Tea to lose weight?

First of all, you don’t want to boil it in hot water instead.

Just infuse it in the hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Infusing it in the form of tea bags is even greater.

Green tea alone has a lot of benefits but you can even increase them by combining them with some other things.

green tea to weight loss

Best Method to prepare Green Tea

  • Boil ginger with water.
  • Infuse Green Tea for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Drop some drops of lemon.

Boiling green tea in hot water can kill important ingredients like cetaceans. Also, don’t consume it with sugar or any artificial sweetener. You can add honey that will help you to lose more weight. Imagine a single cup of green tea contains only 2 calories which makes it a very special drink for weight loss and by adding artificial sugar its calories reached almost 28.

Green Tea will improve your immune system if you take this with any noncritical fruit.  It also increases the absorption of protein in your body. If you eat almonds, peanuts, or walnuts. This combination will also increase the antioxidants property of Green tea.

Green Tea for weight loss

Perfect time to consume Green Tea to burn belly fat

When you take Green tea before 1 hour of your meal it will suppress your appetite. So in this way, you will consume fewer calories in a meal which helps you to burn fat. When you take Green tea after your meal it will boost your metabolism.

Never consume it when you are on an empty stomach.

To attain fast, loss, Green Tea should be consumed 1 to 2 hours before you sleep. Do you know how should you sleep to lose weight?

Green tea is one of the best drinks which helps you lose belly fat if you consume it properly. Green tea also increases the burning of fat when you are working out. A study proves that after consuming Green Tea the people who work out have 17 percent of more fat loss as compared to those who did not. This is the reason consuming Green Tea early in the morning is recommended so after consuming it whatever you do impact your weight loss. Green tea contains caffeine and also helps the body to maintain your body temperature which helps in fat loss.

Green Tea also directly impacts fat cells. The fat present in the fat cells needs a breakdown in the fat-burning process. ECGC help in this case. We all are continuously burning fat but it varies from person to person. Green tea increases the burning of fat. It increases the metabolism rate.

GREEN TEA helps to burn visceral fat.

green tea to weight loss

There are two types of fats in our body:          

  • Subcutaneous fat
  • Visceral fat

Subcutaneous fat is the fat that is under the skin while the visceral fat is the fat which built around your organs.

Visceral fat doesn’t just make you overweight but also causes many diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and more.

Our experts gave 15 weight loss hacks that are quite amazing for lazy people. Some entail you with doing nothing at all, but you get to melt calories. Read more information.


 You don’t need to consume a large amount of green tea every day to have the maximum result. 2.5 cups of green tea is enough for a day. 

Green tea can be the best drink to lose your belly fat but you need to take care of all these things. Moreover, it is also better, natural, and cheaper than those artificial fat burners which you see in the market. Green tea is a very good natural and most important permanent solution for losing your fat.

If you want to lose belly fat and want to become fit, you must have at least a little knowledge of the science behind the fat loss process. Read about 8 ways to lose belly fat.

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