good passport photo

Three-quarters of people think that their passport photo is unfortunate! Also, you don’t want to look at your reflection in other documents! Why does this happen?

How to make a good passport photo?

What is the best way to take a passport photo?

– Do not postpone the procedure of photographing at the last moment! When you urgently need to present a passport, you will rush to the first photo studio without makeup and hairstyle.

– Plan everything in advance!Practice makeup and hairstyle, then take a close-up picture on your phone. This will help to identify possible errors in the make-up.

– Go to a good photo studio. The master has a lot of experience in the business. He will prompt the correct turn of the head for the photo.

 passport photo

– Do not pinch lips, otherwise in the photo they will look like thin threads. Do not bend your mouth.

– Do not go to take pictures after a sleepless night. Although we also know the ways to wake up without difficulty early in the morning, anyway you will not look perfect.

– Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, and do not eat salty food. It can cause facial swelling.

– Do not raise your head too high, because it will look unnatural. Do not pull your head into yourself – a double chin may appear.

– To get a good photo passport, take care of your hair. Use hair styling tools to give volume.

These simple tips guarantee you a good passport photo! And if you need to enter the photo studio at nine a.m., then learn about all the secrets of how to look fresh and beautiful in the morning.

Makeup for a passport photo: expressive, but natural

– The main taboo – makeup for photos on the documents does not accept the use of shiny cosmetics! At the time of the flash all the sparkling particles will light up, completely spoiling your perfect look!

Makeup for a passport photo

– First of all, take care of the perfect healthy color of the face. Of course, it is good if you perform the procedures in a timely manner to get a perfectly smooth tone, take care of the skin with natural means, use wiping with ice cubes. But tonal bases can quickly bring a person to the perfect state.

– Use a tonal base to even out skin tone. It is better to choose a base with the HD designation. This tool is ideal for photo shoots. Treat all areas of the face, including the area under the eyes and neck.

– Remove small defects, vascular mesh, redness with concealer. If a traitor-pimple appeared on your face that day, then responsible photographs usually take upon themselves the responsibility to remove it with the help of Photoshop.

– Do face contouring depending on the features of your face. Lush cheeks can be slightly reduced by inflicting a dark color under upper cheek. If the nose is too wide, in the same way we will make the back of the nose thinner, darkening the lateral area. Also you can “improve” the chin.

– Be sure to use matte powder. You may need additional application of it immediately before the photo if you sweat on a hot day.

– Make-up your eyebrows. This will make your look more expressive.

– Do not use colored eye shadows. Only natural shades or a bit of dark brown or gray. Blue, purple, green shadows may look funny in a photo, they are too noticeable. Also use only matte shadows.

– Eyeliner is required. Line must strictly follow the growth of eyelashes. However, the arrows can be thicker than usual, if your eyelashes are thick. But it is not necessary to go beyond the outer corner of the eye!

perfect passport photo tips

– Bulk or separating mascara is suitable. Especially carefully male up the cilia on the outer edge of the eye.

– Can I wear lipstick in my passport photo? Lipstick should not be pale, otherwise the photo of the lips will not be visible at all. It is better to choose 1-2 tones darker than the natural color. Do not use bold and too saturated shades. For clarity, you can draw a lip with a pencil along the contour or 1 mm above the natural contour.

– We advise you to consider the outfit carefully. It is better to let it be in a discreet business style. Avoid deep cleavage and bold patterns. Remember that ultra-fashionable things will lose their popularity over time. A photo in the passport will “outlive” many designer “whims.” Dress simple and not too catchy.

And most importantly – do not frown in the photo, if you want to be yourself. It has been proven that smiling people look better on the photos. Remember something good, imagine a loved one. Your eyes should be bright and joyful, but your lips should not give out too much emotions.

perfect passport photo tips

And take pictures in a good mood! And we can suggest effective methods to cheer up! Read! Then you will not be ashamed to look into your passport!